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At the end of November (27-29) a first joint conference of the KNDV (Dutch Royal Society of Zoologists), RBZS (Royal Belgian Zoological Society) and NVG (Netherlands Society for Behavioural Biology) took place in Groningen. The focus of the conference was Learning and Memory in the Animal Kingdom – from nematodes to humans. The programme contained many interesting talks, including a couple of parallel sessions, six plenaries, featuring the Distinguished Zoologist Lecture Dr Richard Morris, the Brill Baerends lecture by Dr Susanne Åkesson, and the Dobberke Evening Lecture by Dr Jolle Jolles.

We also presented our work:

Magdalena Kozielska and Elles Jetten gave a talk A neural network modelling approach to the evolution of emotions and learning

Emiliano presented a poster Artificial neural network models for the evolution of assortative learning

Apu presented a poster Migration syndrome in three-spined sticklebacks