News & Events

Xiaoyan Long
In May 2024, the Dutch Society for Theoretical Biology awarded Xiaoyan Long the Theoretical Biology Paper of the Year Award for her article

Long X, Weissing FJ (2023). Transient polymorphisms in parental care strategies drive divergence of sex roles. Nat Commun 14: 6805, doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42607-6

Congratulations to Xiaoyan!

Thesis van Eldijk, March 2024
The eighth PhD thesis in the MARM project was succesfully defended by Timo van Eldijk on 12 March:

van Eldijk TJB (2024). Evolvability in the context of antibiotic resistance. University of Groningen, 282 p., 10.33612/diss.925124601

Thesis Tiso, January 2024
The seventh PhD thesis in the MARM project was succesfully defended by Stefano Tiso on 23 January:

Tiso S (2024). Evolvability and organismal architecture – The blind watchmaker and the reminiscing architect. University of Groningen, 246 p., 10.33612/diss.864174360

Thesis Borger, January 2024
The sixth PhD thesis in the MARM project, and the first in 2024, was succesfully defended by Mirjam Borger on 16 January:

Borger MJ (2024). How to prime your offspring – Putting behavioural ecology to the test. University of Groningen, 246 p., 10.33612/diss.849300689

Thesis Netz, May 2023
The fifth PhD thesis in the MARM project, and the first in 2023, was succesfully defended by Christoph Netz on 30 May:

Netz CFG (2023). Evolution in a complicated world. University of Groningen, 205 p., doi: 10.33612/diss.658832457, download thesis, propositions

Thesis Zheng, November 2022
The next PhD thesis in the MARM project was successfully defended by Jia Zheng on 21 November:

Zheng J (2022). Evolutionary ecology of the variable breeding system of Chinese penduline tits. University of Groningen, 199 p., doi: 10.33612/diss.249069345.

Thesis Gupte, September 2022
The third PhD thesis in the MARM project was succesfully defended by Pratik Gupte on 27 September:

Gupte PR (2022). Animal movement strategies. University of Groningen, 246 p., doi: 10.33612/diss.242140787, download thesis, propositions

Thesis Ramesh, August 2022
The second PhD thesis in the MARM project was succesfully defended by Apu Ramesh on 30 August:

Ramesh A (2022). Animal personalities on the move. University of Groningen, 162 p., doi: 10.33612/diss.232778934, download thesis, propositions

ESEB 2022 logo
The 2022 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) took place in Prague, Czech Republic, on the 14-19th of August. A number of current and former MARM group members presented their work:

Jana Riederer: The role of sexual selection in shaping adaptive radiations
Christoph Netz: Hamilton’s force of selection during ontogenesis
Stefany Moreno Gamez: From patterns to processes: Towards a mechanistic understanding of the human microbiome (John Maynard Smith Prize winner talk)
Daniel Elsner: Transposable elements mark tissue specific aging in termite workers

Xiaoyan Long: The evolution of sex roles: New insights from individual-based simulations
Sergio Gonzalez: Learning to cope: The effect of population bottlenecks in the maintenance
of complex adaptations

Mirjam Borger: Putting life history theory to the test: The estimation of reproductive value from field data

Magdalena Kozielska: Modelling the evolution of learning