ESEB 2019 logo
The 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) took place in Turku, Finland, on the 19-24th of August. A couple of us attended and presented their work:

Franjo gave a talk: Regulatory networks link phenotypic plasticity to evolvability. His talk can be watched at the conference website.

Boris gave a talk: Long live the queen: eusociality and the evolutionary theory of aging.

Magdalena presented a poster Evolution of emotions and learning – a neural network model

Daniel presented a poster How can division of labour in social insects evolve?

The ESEB congress was as always intensive, with many talks from different evolutionary biology areas. Evolution of adaptation seemed to be one of the more popular topics covered among others by sessions Rapid evolutionary adaptations: potential and constraints; and Genetics and genomics of adaptations. Two sessions were devoted to theoretical work: Mathematical models in evolutionary biology; and Evolutionary game theory: modern development and interdisciplinary adaptations. Theoretical talks in other sessions were rather scarce.
Many of the talks can be watched at the congress website. Many of the posters have been archived at Figshare, just search for Evol2019 or ESEB2019.