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Several MARM group members presented their work during the European Conference of Behavioural Biology that took place on the 20th-23rd July 2022 in Groningen (NL).

Franjo Weissing gave the opening keynote lecture on Reconciling mechanistic and functional perspectives on behaviour.

Other group members also gave talks:
Jia Zheng: Egg burial protects eggs from rolling out the wind-swayed nest in Chinese penduline tits
Apu Ramesh: Individual personalities and not the social context predict movement tendencies in three-spined sticklebacks
Ines Daras Modelling cultural transmission: Do learning mechanisms matter?

Our group also presented a number of posters:
Jakob Gismann: Personality-dependent dispersal and breeding success in three-spined sticklebacks

Mirjam Borger: Rainfall is associated with social behaviour in Seychelles warblers

Magdalena Kozielska: Modelling the evolution of learning